We already discuss some essential parts of a Mosque such as Prayer hall, Minaret, Dome and prayer rugs or carpets. Now we will discuss some other parts of the Mosque.
Mihrab :
The mihrab is an elaborate, semi-round space in the mass of the petition room of a mosque that denotes the course of the qiblah—the heading confronting Mecca which Muslims face during worship. Mihrabs fluctuate in estimate and shading, however, they are normally formed like an entryway and finished with mosaic tiles and calligraphy to make space stick out.
Ablution Area :
Ablutions (custom washing or wudu) are a piece of the planning for Muslim prayer. Once in awhile a space for ablutions is put aside in a bathroom or washroom. On the other hand, there might be a wellspring like structure along a divider or in a patio. Running water is accessible, regularly with little stools or seats to make it simpler to plunk down to wash the feet.
Shoe Shelf :
The shoe rack is a viable element of numerous mosques around the world. Muslims take off their shoes before entering a mosque so as to protect the neatness of the prayer space. Instead of dumping heaps of shoes close to the entryway, racks are deliberately put close to mosque passageways with the goal that guests can conveniently sort out, and later discover their shoes.
The Holy Mosque of Madinah, also known as Masjid e Nabawi, has a beautiful ablution area and an organized shoe shelf. Many people want to see that Mosque. Therefore, people get an Umrah package by bus from Dubai, or they can take Umrah Packages from Sharjah and come to Madinah in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to watch this beautiful Mosque.
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